Winter Driving

With the new year comes the chance to take a step back, and set goals for the year ahead. And even if your New Year’s resolutions are already a distant memory, here’s one you can add to your list: keeping your car in tip-top shape. Here’s a quick checklist to help you and your vehicle start the year off right. 


Be prepared for cold weather:

Keep your car clean.  If your dealing with snow and ice, and road salt, you want to remove as much as possible.

Test Your battery - Some of the Auto parts store will do this for free

Check you brakes

Replace old wiper blades

Top off the Wiper Fluid

Restock the emergency kit - A blanket, few bottles of water, a few granola bars, spare tire and tire changing kit

Have jumper cables in your car,

Check your tires

Do you have roadside? Its available on most policies or a AAA card is a great way to seperate any roadside claims from your insurance.

Call us today with any questions.



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